Upon relaxation of the infection control policy, we will resume the organization of the BA programs in the latter half of the year. It is the last chance to join the program now.
放寬感染控制政策後,我們將在下半年恢復BA課程的組織。 現在是參加這個課程的最後機會!!
Body Adjustment Education Series 2022
整體調整課程 2022
Body Adjustment (BA) is a comprehensive approach in manual therapy regime that can be used to assess and treat many problems of the body. It is gentle, effective and could be used for patients of all age and conditions.
整體調整(BA)是手法治療方案中的一種綜合方法,可用於評估和治療身體的許多問題。 它溫和有效,可用於所有年齡和狀況的患者。
Module 單元 1: Fundamental 基礎
Highlights: 重點
• Principles and features of BABA 的原理和特色
• BA treatment routineBA 治療流程
• Whole body balancing整體平衡
Dates日期: 21-22/5/2022
Module 單元 2: Articular and Myofascial Balance關節和筋肌平衡
Highlights: 重點• Mechanics結構機械學
• Principles of osteopathy 整骨醫學的原理
• Fascial mobilization with BABA 筋膜活動術
• Articulations (Manipulation) for the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine項椎、胸椎及腰椎關節舒整(整骨術)
Dates日期: 16-17/7/2022
Module 單元 3: 循環、淋巴和神經平衡 Circulatory, Lymphatic and Neural Balance
Highlights: 重點• Flow of fluid and electricity人體的液體和電流活動
• Circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems循環、淋巴和神經系統
• Promotion of flow through BA用BA 改善液體流動
• Lymphatic drainage with BABA 淋巴引流
• Central and peripheral neural mobilization with BABA 中樞及週圍神經活動術
Dates日期: 20-21/8/2022
Module 單元 4: 內臟平衡 Visceral Balance
Highlights: 重點
• Constituent diseases and BA 全身及內外科症狀與BA
• The viscera內臟系統
• Visceral mobilization with BABA 內臟調整法
Dates日期: 17-18/9/2022
Module 單元 5: 情緒和能量平衡 Emotional and Energetic Balance
Highlights: 重點
• The body-mind complex身心靈複合體
• Meridian and Chakra systems經絡和脈輪系統
• Concepts in Chinese medicine中醫概念
• Body-mind balancing with BABA 身心靈平衡
Dates日期: 15-16/10/2022
Module 單元 6: 婦女健康和懷孕 Women’s Health and Pregnancy
Highlights: 重點
• Women’s health issues and pregnancy婦女健康問題與懷孕
• BA in breast & pelvic treatments BA 胸部及盤腔治療
• Adaptation of BA in pregnancy懷孕期的BA 特異手法
Dates日期: 19-20/11/2022
Module 單元 7: 兒童與發育 Children and Development
Highlights: 重點
• Developmental problems in infants and children嬰兒及兒童的發育障礙
• Scoliosis and structural problems脊椎側彎及結構問題
• Adaptation of BA in paediatrics兒科的BA 特異手法
Dates日期: 10-11/12/2022
Module 單元 8: 資格考核 Qualifying Examinations
Highlights: 重點
• Case study and presentations個案研究及研討
• Essay submission討論文章
• Written assessment筆試
• Skills assessment技能考核
Dates日期: To be confirmed
* Module 1 (including Body Adjustment Fundamental programs and Total Body Balancing (TBB) programs organized by the Institute) is a pre-requisite for all other modules
** Only students who have completed all modules can join the qualifying examinations
** 只有完成所有單元的學生才能參加資格考試
電話: 2537 2083
Whatsapp /微信: (+852) 9886 8085
電郵: [email protected]
網址: www.iholistic.org