Date(s) - 07/08/2017 - 29/08/2017
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Institute of Holistic Healthcare Mongkok Education Centre 整全保健學院旺角教育中心
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【Yoga Basics】are recommended for those are new to yoga. This level emphasizes the basics of Iyengar Yoga and concentrates on standing yoga poses, forward bends, twists & relaxation. Attending these classes will help you experience more flexibility and develop your core strength, de-stress your life, and give you skills to relax both your body and mind.
逢星期一 Every Mondays 7:30pm-8:30pm
【伸展 】透過伸展運動紓解壓力可以令崩緊的身體快速得到放鬆,讓您拋開疲勞,安定心靈。
【Stretching】 is a deep relaxed way of practicing yoga, the student is able to achieve the form of the yoga pose without using a lot of muscular strength. This enables the student to hold poses for a greater length of time and facilitates a deep release …helps to soothe the nervous systems, and calm and focus the mind.
逢星期二 Every Tuesdays 7:30pm-8:30pm
For additional information and enquiries, please contact 查詢及報名:
上課地點: 整全保健學院
Venue:Institute of Holistic Healthcare (IHH Education Centre)
9/F Lee May Building, 788-790 Nathan Rd, Kowloon
Tel 電話: 3741 1970 / 2537 2083
Email 電郵: [email protected]
Fax 傳真: 2125 8825
Website 網址: /
Bookings are closed for this event.