Date(s) - 28/09/2013
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Institute of Holistic Healthcare Education Centre 整全保健學院上環教育中心
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Frankincense was once worth its weight in gold and was one of the gifts presented to the newborn Jesus Christ by the wise men. It was also used in ancient cultures for healing including Chinese Medicine. Thanks to the work of Dr. H K Lin and oth- ers, we are now starting to see why and how it is such a “cure-all” since ancient times.
Dr. Lin is INDEPENDENT and have no financial ties with his suppliers.
What You Will Learn:
In this presentation, Dr. Lin will share his exciting findings in laymen language about Frankincense and cancer, as well as findings of other essential oils he has studied, and even his personal experience using therapeutic essential oils.
“Personally, I used Thieves a lot during last winter. When- ever myself or my boys had flu symptoms, we took several drops of the oil for 2-3 days. My boys were able to attend their classes the whole time, while more than half of their friends missed the classes.” – Dr. H K Lin
For additional information and enquiries, please contact
Institute of Holistic Healthcare
Tel: (+852) 2537 2083 / (+852) 3741 1970
Bookings are closed for this event.