Yoga Anatomy and Physiology Course 瑜伽解剖學和生理學課程 

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Date(s) - 07/07/2016 - 27/10/2016
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Institute of Holistic Healthcare Central Office 整全保健學院中環辦公室

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Yoga Anatomy and Physiology Course
Human Anatomy and Physiology (body systems, organs, musculoskeletal anatomy and functions, etc.) and introduction to energy systems (chakras, nadis, meridians, etc.). Includes both studies of anatomy and physiology along with their application to yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns, etc.

Information of the workshop :
Date: 7 July to 27 October (Thursday ) Total 12 sessions
7,21 July / 4,11,18 Aug / 1,8,22 Sept / 6,13,20,27 Oct
Time:19.30-22.00  [total 30 hours]
Capacity:up to 10 students
Fee:HKD$7,200 (Handouts will be provided in digital format)
Lecturer : DR. KERRY FUNG,  BHSc, BCM, MSc, SBStJ
Location: Rm 508, Takshing Hse, 20 Des Voeux Road Central, HK
Taught in Cantonese with English materials
Please contact : (852) 98641183 (Whatsapp) or
email to [email protected] for registration & enquiries.
Early bird price: $6,800 till 15 Jun 2016
There is NO refund once confirmed


能量解剖和生理學(脈輪、nadis、經絡等)。 解剖和生理於瑜伽練習的應用(好處、禁忌、健康的運動模式等)

課程資料 :
上課日期:  由七月七日 至十月二十七日 (星期四) [合共十二課節]
7月7,21日 / 8月4,11,18 日 / 9月1,8,22 日 / 10月6,13,20,27 日
時間 : 晚上 7.30-10.00  [合共30小時]
收生人數: 最多10名學生
費用 :港幣$7,200 (提供講義)
講師  : 馮偉業醫師 BHSc, BCM, MSc, SBStJ
報名及查詢詳情  : (852) 98641183 (Whatsapp)
電郵 : [email protected]
早鳥優惠:港幣$6,800 於6 月 15 日前交費
確認報名後將不設退款 There is NO refund once confirmed

This program not for public registration