Escuela de Osteopatia de Madrid (Hong Kong)
Madrid School of Osteopathy (Hong Kong)
Official Web Site 官方網站:
Osteopathy 整骨醫學
Osteopathy is a profession established by Dr Andrew Taylor Still, MD, in the United States in late 19th Century. It was brought to Europe by Dr John Martin Littlejohn, DO. Osteopathy laid its foundation on the natural power of the human body to heal itself and enhances this ability by manual therapy techniques and other natural means. Besides in the United States of America where DO are licenced like MD that they may also prescribe and do surgery, Osteopaths all over the world utilizes mainly Osteopathic Manual Therapy techniques to treat clients and enhance their health. In most European countries, Osteopathy is a postgraduate continuing education curriculum for Physiotherapists. Escuela de Osteopatia de Madrid (Madrid School of Osteopathy) or EOM in Spain is a school established for teaching postgraduate education for physiotherapist leading to a formal qualification of the degree of DO. EOM has branches in many countries throughout Europe, South America and other areas of the world.
整骨醫學是由 Dr. Andrew Taylor Still於19世紀末在美國創立的。後來由Dr. John Martin Littlejohn帶到歐洲發展。整骨醫學以人體的自然復原能力量為基礎,通過手法治療技術和其他自然療法來增強這種能力,以治療身體的傷病和促進健康。在美國,整骨醫生(D.O.)獲得像西醫(MD)一樣的許可,他們也可以處方藥物和做手術,除此之外,世界各地的整骨醫師主要使用整骨醫學手法治療技術治療病人和改善他們的健康。在大多數歐洲國家,整骨醫學課程是物理治療師的持續進修課程。 西班牙Escuela de Osteopatia de Madrid(馬德里整骨醫學院)或EOM,教授深造程度課程予物理治療師,以達到成為整骨醫師的正式資格。 EOM在歐洲、南美洲和世其他地區的許多國家設有分支機構。
EOM (Hong Kong 香港)
The Institute of Holistic Healthcare proudly presents the International Madrid School of Osteopathy in Hong Kong. First intake was from September 2017. Programs would be offered in English. Intensive face to face teaching would be offered in Hong Kong, then followed by online tutorials and coursework.
整全保健學院與EOM合作成立馬德里整骨醫學院香港分院。第一屆課程是從2017月9年開始。課程以英語教授。 在香港舉行密集式的面授教學,然後是網上教學和課程作業。
The first stage is offered as 10 education seminars of 4 days each. Participants may study the seminars individually. There is no prerequisite for attending individual seminars. However, participants must fulfil the entrance requirement if they wish to pursue in the formal osteopathy program. Those who want to pursue in the Master of Osteopathy program should study all seminars and then take a final examination leading to the Master of Osteopathy in neuromusculoskeletal system. Physiotherapists may also apply to UPSA (Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Pontifical University of Salamanca) for an MSc degree in Osteopathy upon completion of this stage.
第一階段是10個為期4天的課堂。 參加者可以隨意參加任何課堂,參加個別課堂沒有任何先決條件。 但是,如果參加者希望就讀正式的整骨醫學課程,則必須滿足入學要求 。 如果想攻讀整骨醫學碩士課程的人應該完成所有課堂,然後進行期末考試,以取得整骨醫學碩士(神經骨骼肌肉系統)。 完成此階段後,物理治療師也可以向UPSA 大學(Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Pontifical University of Salamanca)申請頒授整骨醫學理學碩士學位。
The second stage is the third to fifth years of the DO program. Graduates may apply to EOM and be awarded the professional doctoral degree of D.O. according to the European Osteopathy Framework upon fulfilment of the Thesis requirement of the Thesis Committee of the Scientific European Federation of Osteopaths, SEFO.
第二階段是第三至第五年將是由EOM(香港)頒發的整骨醫學專業文憑課程。 畢業生可向EOM申請,根據歐洲整骨醫學框架,依照歐洲整骨醫學科學聯合會(SEFO)的論文委員會要求完成論文後,授予整骨醫學專業博士學位 (D.O.)。
The primary cohort of students is Physiotherapist who would like to pursue in osteopathic manual therapy and would like to become an osteopath (The European system of osteopathic education requires postgraduate education for physiotherapists). Other healthcare professionals may be considered on a case by case basis. Please see here for details about entrance requirements and see here for details about prospectus.
本課程主要的對象是物理治療師,希望在整骨醫學手法治療中學習並希望成為一整骨醫學醫師(歐洲整骨醫學教育系統要求物理治療師的深造程度的教育)。 其他醫療保健專業人員可根據具體情況考慮。詳細的入學要求和課程的章程可以在這裡找到。
Tentative Schedule of the Second Intake can be found here.
For details of Syllabus and Programs, please visit:
Enrolment will begin in due course. Please come back for details or stay in touch by leaving your email address to us by mailing to [email protected].
Gines Almazán Campos
- Director of the Madrid School of Osteopathy
- Physiotherapist and Osteopath D.O
- Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology.
- Doctor from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Murcia
- Coordinator Manual Therapy Section of the Spanish Association of Physiotherapists.
- Author and co-author in scientific publications.
- Member ROFE No. 91
- Email: [email protected]
François Ricard
- Physiotherapist and Osteopath D.O.
- Doctor by the University of Seville.
- Academic director and professor of the Madrid School of Osteopathy
- President of the Scientific European Federation of Osteopaths
- Author of over 30 books in osteopathic field.
- More than 30 scientific articles in professional journals written in several languages
- Member ROFE No. 34
- Email: [email protected]
- Web: Consulta privada Osteopatia desde 1998
Director, Hong Kong Branch
Kerry Fung
- Registered Physiotherapist (HK, UK, AU)
- Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner (HK, AU, CN)
- Certified BodyTalk Practitioner (US)
- Classical Osteopath
- Bachelor of Health Science (Chinese Medicine), RMIT University, Australia
- Bachelor of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University
- MSc in Exercise and Nutrition Science, University of Liverpool, UK
- Professional Diploma in Physiotherapy, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Certificate in Sports & Health Science, University of Hong Kong
- Diploma in Acupuncture, Hong Kong Baptist University
- Postgrad Cert in Peripheral Manipulative Therapy, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Postgrad Cert in Spinal Manipulative Therapy, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Postgrad Cert in Classical Osteopathy, John Wernham College of Classical Osteopathy (UK)
- Dean, Institute of Holistic Healthcare
- Director, Kerry Fung and Associates Physiotherapy Service
- Director, Centre for Holistic Healthcare
- Chairman, International Acupuncture Association of Physical Therapists
- President, Sports Training and Rehabilitation Therapy Association of Hong Kong
- President, Hong Kong Massage Therapy Association
- Chairman, St John Lecturers Club
- Former Chairman, Registration Committee, The Physiotherapists Board of Hong Kong
- Former Vice President, Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association
- Email: [email protected]
- Web:
Director of Studies
Luis Palomeque Del Cerro
- Doctor by the University King Juan Carlos of Madrid
- UNIVERSITY Degree in Physiotherapy from the Pontifical University of Salamanca
- BS in Kinesiology and Physical Medicine at the Public University of Argentina
- SPECIALIST Osteopathic Manual Physical Therapy, Titration Studies of the University of Alcala de Henares.
- Director of Studies at the Madrid School of Osteopathy (EOM)
- Clinical activity OFISTEMA
- Professor of the Madrid School of Osteopathic (EOM) in all national and international venues
- Associate professor at the King Juan Carlos University (Madrid). Spain
- Associate Professor at the University Salus Infirmorum, Pontifical University of Salamanca (Madrid). Spain
- Several publications and presentations
- Email: [email protected]
Pablo Llanes Ontiveros
- Director Holystic Recovery Center
- Director of the Master of Sport Fisiterapia IACES
- President Holystic ProAfrica
- Professor of international EOM
- Real Madrid CF physiotherapist (1995-2010)
- web:
- Email: [email protected]
Ignacio Díaz Cerrato
- Physiotherapist and Osteopath, D.O.
- Professor from International Madrid school of osteopathy
Jaime Camarasa Sentamans
- Physiotherapist and Osteopath, D.O.
- Professor from International Madrid school of osteopathy