Counterfeit Note


In view of the emergence of counterfeit notes denominated in HKD1,000 issue, the notes may not be accepted in our clinic. Other notes are not affected, Cheque and Credit Card payment are also recommended. Sorry for any inconvenient caused

Farewell Mavis 再見,莫小姐

It is with deep gratitude that we say farewell to Mavis, our long standing colleague. After ten years with us, Mavis has left us in September.

Many of you know Mavis as the warm and friendly voice and cheerful face that welcomes you when you call or visit us at our clinics or education centre.  Those who also know Mavis from her work know what a dedicated manager she has always been.

Although we are sad to see her go, we are sure that she will succeed in her future career.  We wish her all the best.

Thank you, Mavis, for all your enthusiasm, dedication and energy. We will miss you!




在此我們一再感謝莫小姐對我們過去的發展和工作所付出的熱忱和貢獻。 小莫,我們惦掛著您。

Web Site Under Re-construction 網頁重整中

Our web site is currently under re-construction.  If you need to find out our latest programs but could not find it on the web site, please call us at +852 2537 2083 or +852 37411970, fax us at +852 21258825, or email us at [email protected].  Thank you very much and we wish to connect with you soon.

我們的網頁現正進行重整,如果你想了解我們的最新課程,但又不能在網頁上找到資料,請致電 +852 2537 2083 或 +852 37411970, 傳真 +852 21258825, 或電郵 [email protected] 與我們聯絡。