In this 1.5-hour presentation, we’ll introduce you to an innovative approach in healthcare. As practitioners, we are often faced with three fundamental questions: where do I treat, what do I treat and how do I treat? Systemic Manual Therapy (SMT) answers these questions. SMT represents a fresh perspective, encouraging exploration beyond traditional practices. Throughout this introduction, you’ll discover the importance of adopting a systemic approach to patient care. We’ll explore the intricate connections within the human body, recognizing that health concerns often span multiple systems. By the end of this lecture, you’ll gain insights into SMT’s holistic philosophy, enhancing your approach to patient assessment and focusing on the pathway of healing. Join us on this journey to elevate your practice and patient outcomes.
* 2 CPD points pending from PT Board (HKPA)
This seminar will be delivered in Zoom.
Speaker: Dr Kerry D’Ambrogio, DOM, AP, PT, DO-MTP, is a physical therapist, osteopath, and board-certified acupuncture physician. He is the author of Positional Release Therapy (Mosby) and his published articles have been featured in physical, occupational, and massage therapy magazines.
本課程以廣東話授課 This program will be conducted in Chinese (Cantonese). You may contact us if you are interested and we may run a course in English when there are sufficient applicants
本課程以廣東話授課 This program will be conducted in Chinese (Cantonese). You may contact us if you are interested and we may run a course in English when there are sufficient applicants
Since the Observatory has announced that Typhoon signal No. 8 will be issued in the next couple of hours, our clinic will be closed today. Please contact us with phone or WhatsApp / WeChat if necessary. 由於天文台宣佈將於數小時內發出八號烈風或暴風信號,我們的診所今日將會暫停服務。 如有需要,請用電話或 WhatsApp / 微信與我們聯絡。 Phone 電話: 25372083 WhatsApp / WeChat 微信: 98868085
In order to protect the health of clients and staff, we have arranged to have the whole clinic be treated with Germagic antibacterial and antiviral coating developed by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.