Positional Release Therapy (PRT) or Strain/ Counterstrain is an indirect manual therapy technique to relief muscle spasm and tenderness. Its indirect nature does not elicit any pain or further muscle tension, it is particularly suitable for releasing acute or chronic muscle spasm in a painless way. It works through a complex neurological mechanism but the technique itself is extremely simple and easy to use.
Author: Lara Wong
Certificate in Acupuncture For Physiotherapist
This course is designed to meet the requirement of the International Acupuncture Association of Physical Therapists in the basic requirement for acupuncture education for physiotherapists to use the technique. Physiotherapists undertaken the course should be able to perform acupuncture and some related techniques based on a contemporary approach safely and effectively in the treatment of common musculoskeletal and neurological conditions.
Congratulations to Dr Kerry Fung for being elected as the Chairman of the International Acupuncture Association of Physical Therapists at its General Meeting during the World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress. It is the first time an Asian is in this capacity since the Association’s inauguration in 1991.
Cranial Sacral Therapy Course 顱骶治療法
能量療法101 -基礎知識和日常應用
Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET)” and “Basic Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) & Acupuncture”
The date of “Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET)” and “Basic Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) & Acupuncture” will be postponed.
Kindly share to your friends or colleagues or those who are interested. We hope to see you there!For any enquiries, please contact us at 37411970 / 25372083.
如需報名及查詢請電2537 2083/3741 1970 或電郵至 [email protected]