Health is a Continuum of Physical, Mental and Spiritual Well-being
Welcome to the Institute of Holistic Healthcare. We are committed to providing high quality education opportunities for professionals and the general public. Our objective is to promote the attitude, knowledge and skills of practitioners towards holistic healthcare and to help the public to achieve holistic health.
整全健康道 至善身心靈
歡迎來到整全保健學院的網站。 我們致力於推廣整全健康的教育工作,使專業醫護人員可以通過持續進修,在態度、知識和技術等各方面不斷進步,也使社會大眾能達至一個身、心、社、靈皆健康的狀態。
What’s New 最新消息
- 關節健康與疼痛管理(免費講座)
- 馮偉業醫師/物理治療師及吳倩儀物理治療師將會到北京講課
- 馮偉業醫師/物理治療師及吳倩儀物理治療師將隨隊出賽
- 十二月份瑜伽優惠 **試堂$100/每位
- Certificate in Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy – Mobilization and Manipulation of the Upper Extremities (Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist and Hand)
- 三九天冬灸
- 十一月份瑜伽優惠 **試堂$100/每位
- Hands that Feel and Heal-Diagnostic Palpation of the Cervical Spine
- Certificate in Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy – Mobilization and Manipulation of the Thoracic Spine
- 十月份瑜伽試堂優惠 (與友同行試堂, 第二位起半價) **人數不限